ES2021 — Logical Assignment Operator

Nimatullah Razmjo
2 min readApr 4, 2021


Logical assignment operator combines the logical operations(&&, || or ??) with assignment.


ECMAScript or ES is a general-purpose programming language, standardized by Ecma International according to the document ECMA-262. It is a JavaScript standard meant to ensure the interoperability of Web pages across different Web browsers. ECMAScript is commonly used for client-side scripting on the World Wide Web, and it is increasingly being used for writing server applications and services using Node.js.


exp1 &&= exp2
exp1 ||= exp2
exp1 ??= exp2

logical AND assignment operator &&=

The logical assignment operator &&= is used between two values, if the first value is truthy then the second value will assign.

let a = 10;
let b = 0;

a &&= 2;
#expected output: 2

#Here is an equivalent to it
if (a) {
a = 2

b &&= 10;
#expected output: 0

#Here is an equivalent to it
if (b) {
b = 10;

Logical OR Assignment Operator ||=

The logical OR assignment operator ||= is used to check if the first value is not truthy(falsy) then it assigns the second value to it.

let a = null;
let b = 10;
a ||= b
#expected output: 10;
#Here is equivalent to it
if (!a) {
a = b;

Logical Nullish Operator ??=

The logical nullish operator ??= is used to check if the first value is null or undefined then the second value will assign as to the first value.

let a = null;
let b = 20;
a ??= b;
# expected output: 20
#Here is equivalent to it
if ( a == null || a == undefined) {
a = b;

Browser compatibility

Node : 15.0.0, Chrome : 85, Edge :85, Firfox : 79, Safari:14,

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it useful.



Nimatullah Razmjo
Nimatullah Razmjo

Written by Nimatullah Razmjo

An enthusiastic Full Stack Developer who has a long record of developing, implementing, and testing software to meet specific project requirements.

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